Brethren of the Free Spirit is the duo of instrumentalists James Blackshaw and Jozef an Wissem--two men known for making ancient melodies sound positively futuristic. Okay, so I hadn't heard of van Wissem until this record, but the man built and plays a custom-made Lute, so the assumption is made on solid evidence. Anyway, their debut record, The Wolf Also Shall Dwell with the Lamb, is a collection of four gorgeous, heavenly instrumentals. At times the music is rustic, while other times the music is minimalist, if you're familiar with Blackshaw's work, then you know to expect beautiful experimental guitar picking. There's really no way to further describe this record, unless you want some sort of ethnomusicologist explanation--which I find interesting in general but boring in describing specific records. More important to me is the feel of the music--and I feel utterly relaxed by this record. This is some of the prettiest music I've heard this year.
Listen To:Into the Dust of the Earth
The Wolf Also Shall Dwell with the Lamb is available now on Important RecordsLabels: Brethren of the free spirit, important records, Reviews b |