Submission FAQ |
Tuesday, December 5, 2006 |
Before you submit a record for consideration, you need to understand a few basic things:
1. Please understand what we do. This is not a review site; as such, we do not publish album reviews. I only publish interviews. I only conduct interviews. This means that there is very limited space for content, and thus, I am extremely selective in what I cover. I don't care about genres; I only care about what moves me. Thus, everything that is published is published with the understanding that I like and support the artists. Let me reinforce this point: I only talk to people I like. Even though I don't write reviews, I'm also quite interested in talking to filmmakers and authors.
2. If I request your record, you can pretty much guarantee that I plan on giving it some form of coverage. I'm not going to waste your time--and your money--asking for something I don't intend to cover. That's just wrong, and it cheats the artists out of money, even if it only appears to be a miniscule expense.
3. If your record's been released, I like full artwork copies. I don't like Cd-R's of already released material. Besides, isn't an album a 'total package?'
4. I like getting demos, but, honestly, I don't know how much I can do with them. Again, the policy above stands: if I like what you do, I'll be in touch with you. However, if you're merely in the demo-submitting phase, I can guarantee I probably won't be able to do anything with it. Also, please don't email me mp3's to check out. I don't have time for that, nor do I have time to personally respond to requests to rate or comment on your demos. Unless, of course, I like what I hear. Then...well, see point #1 for that.
5. If I like your record, I will be in touch with you almost as soon as I decide I like your record. I will request an interview; if you wish for us to cover your record, it's in your best interest to actually respond to this request.
6. Please do not ask me to interview you. That's simply crass. Plus, it makes me feel guilty if I don't like your music. Plus, it's bad form.
7. As there are only 24 hours in a day, I do not have the time to answer every email request for consideration. If you submit your record, feel free to email me, but please understand that you might not hear back from me.
8. If I don't like your record, I don't like your record. Nothing can change that. But please take this into consideration: mine is only one opinion. I have hated things that are well-loved, and I have loved things that are hated. My tastes are eclectic, and, really, do you need me to validate your existence?
9. I like music. If I like your record, I'll want to talk to you. It's that simple, really. If I don't connect with your music, I don't connect with your music. What would we have to talk about?
10. Submit away! I'm eager to hear what you've done. And keep on making music!Labels: basic information |
posted by joseph kyle @ 9:47 AM  |